Lékué Bread Maker

Weigh, knead and bake your homemade bread in a single container!
We don't blame you if you prefer homemade over store bought! The Lékué bread maker will fill your home with the smell of fresh-baked bread, quickly, with no mess and a lot less work than you might think.
The perfect gift for a bridal shower or the baker in your life!
Available at Willow Creek
We don't blame you if you prefer homemade over store bought! The Lékué bread maker will fill your home with the smell of fresh-baked bread, quickly, with no mess and a lot less work than you might think.
The perfect gift for a bridal shower or the baker in your life!
Available at Willow Creek

Traditionally, to obtain spongy bread, a container with warm water was placed in the oven at the start of the baking. The design of the Lékué bread maker prevents moisture from being released, saving us from having to humidify the oven.