Press Release: Brand Suspension

We were disappointed to learn that a beloved brand that we carry, Vancouver Candle Co. was associated with some very disturbing and racist remarks exposed on Sunday through social media.

As we have previously stated, we do not support this kind of thought, talk or behavior - no matter the year, no matter the context.  However, we believe in love, grace and redemption for all but with consequences to help guide us faulty humans there.  We also believe that hate cannot solve hate and we are saddened to see many hateful remarks towards Vancouver Candle Co. throughout social media - we do not condone this type of behavior either.

We fell in love with VCC product years ago on a trip to Vancouver, it was like bringing a little piece of B.C. back to Manitoba - we continue to love their product.  However, until the inner beauty of the company matches the outer beauty of their candles, we have decided to suspend all future orders and to remove remaining product from our shelves as we decide how to proceed.

We can all continue to learn from this, including VCC and we wish nothing but love and growth to all parties involved, even if the love and growth needs to be uncomfortable.

With love,

The Willow Creek Family